I pulled a 10 foot (10 shank) with an 85 hp tractor, but that was not good. Should really have 12 hp or better for each shank - more for a twised wide point. I use a 135 hp tractor now & works nice. Since a cp shatters ground, going faster with a narrower cp is better than going slower with a too-wide one. You might be looking at 8 shank for your 4020, or a 10 where you can remove 2 in tough years? Now, as to handling the trash, there are all kinds of models of chisel plows out there. If you get one of the new, high-clearance models, or a 'soil-saver' type with a front gang of disks, it should work. On the other hand if you are with a smaller tractor & on a budget you are probably looking at older & smaller, and these won't make it through chopped stalks. I have not tried mine (a Mohawk, actually have 2 now as the 1st one the frame cracked, the second one was $150 with a good frame & 10 poor points on shanks spaced to 12 feet) in chopped stalks, but think it would be trouble in some years at least. Those small 3-point units like David Bradley will gather stalks up like an old horse hay rake... --->Paul