Karl P, By chance do you live in Wisconsin? I have been fighting the bast***s where I live that are on the village board over the same issue. I had just picked up what I believe is a Avery cultivator from the late 1800's or early 1900's. (That's what the pictures are.) I was down at the village office checking out some codes for a building project I would like to do and the local cop came in. I asked him what he thought of my new "toy". He said I had to get ALL of my equipment out of town. (I have a McCormick-Deering #9 mower on rubber, a New Idea #10 mower, and a John Deere 2 mule, left hand turn plow, all in working order, on my property.) I got out the ordinance book and turned to the page dealing with junk in town. (Click on link below to read the ordinance.) He then told me that wasn't the law he was talking about. I tried to hand him the ordinance book and asked him to show me the law and I would be happy to get everything I had out of town and put it in a shed I'm renting. Needless to say he wasn't able to show it to me. I would have no problem getting all of my toys out of town if they would apply the law to everyone. There is a guy a few doors down from me that has 3 of the old glass top gas pumps and he isn't pumping any gas. A while back I asked the cop about this and he said the pumps were "antiques" and my mowers were "junk". This knocked me for a loop so I asked him what came first gas or horse drawn equipment. He then asked me if I ever planned on using the equipment on my lawn. I fired back by asked him if the guy down the block planned on pumping any gas anytime soon. Needless to say he got a bit upset by this comment and left with the comeback of "just get it out of town". Right now I'm planning on 2 options to have some "fun" with these people. Sence there is no ordinance against museums, I'm thinking of lining everything up in the back yard and putting a sign up by each piece of equipment explaining the history, when it was made, ect. There will be no charge to look at everything. My second thought is to put the entire back yard into corn. I would hire a Amish friend of mine to bring his team into town. He can use my John Deere sulky plow to plow up my back yard, my Gale corn planter to plant it, and my Avery culivator to keep the weeds down. I haven't found a corn binder yet so I'm going to have to use his and if I get my McCormick-Deering husker-shreader restored by this fall I will be using that on the shocks.*evil grin* Sorry for my ramblings but I felt as I should get this off my chest. *S* Old Iron.