Mosey: I've got a Ford 515 sicklebar that I've had just a year, so I'll tell you what I've discovered from the owner's manual and the year. I use it with an 8N tractor. Once the thing is mounted and adjusted, you can lift the bar from the seat, but only a limited amount--enough to go over rocks and short stumps. Mine will go up about 18 inches at the end of the bar. You can adjust the level, but I wouldn't want to do it often. Mine is set up so the end of the bar just touches the soil when it is on level ground. To mow a 45 degree bank, I think you'd have to adjust the bar so it is at something close to a 45 degree angle, but maybe some guys with more experience will square me away on that. I try to be careful with mine (bought it just to mow hay), but it does cut brambles and small saplings without even slowing down. I have used to to cut wild growth near some abandoned fenceline because I was tired of getting wild rose in the face while bush-hogging, and the siclebar did well...gave me a little bit of 'stand off' distance. Check the wobblebox. I'm told they're not made anymore and it would be tough to find a replacement when it goes. On the other hand, it appears to be sturdy and as long as there's greaze in it and no obvious damage, I suspect it should be ok. Having him mount it is a great idea: seems like the most common problem folks have with these things is missing mounting hardware! If you buy it, I'd recommend buying the reprinted owner's manual from New Holland. Costs about $5 and is worth it for the good info it has. good luck, Tom