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How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK!

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04-07-2002 22:37:24

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I had a Scout Camporee this weekend at the place and kids had a ball! Pretty fun for the adults too. Anyhow, little did I know but the scouts keep their fires burning 24 hrs. a day if they have a fire watch.

That said, these kids burned a cord of wood over 3 days. I had to go out to cut more and decided to transport wood with troop trailer with a 2" ball on 11 hole drawbar. How does one keep the drawbar from rotating? When trailer was loaded and heading back to the camp area the drawbar would rotate and ball slipped out 6x. Needless to say I was frustrated jacking up tongue, reconnect go until the next bump and another disconnect.

Running this on an Oliver 550 Dsl. with no factory drawbar. I have the anti-sway bars installed, vertical down locks (top link to lift arms) in place so apparently I am missing something. Haven't encounterd this with the harrow because the hitch slides over draw bar and pin is inserted. Sure as he11 hope my "new" 4340 trailer plow has the same setup as the harrow!!

Had thought of hay rides this fall but NO WAY!!!!Not with this PITA setup, not to mention Safety. Thanks in advance for any insight on how to resolve or just to comiserate.

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04-09-2002 12:36:43

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Well i see u didnt buy the $12 dollar bracket that the draw bar runs through and then the bracket bolts to the lift arm, your local farm store sells the brackets, go buy one

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Bob Kerr

04-08-2002 20:04:24

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Hi Shep, My dads Ferguson TO 20 has a neat draw bar attachment for 3 pont hitch. It goes on the lift arms like the other ones , but it also has two arms that have turned up ends that keep the lift arms from swinging and hook to the bottom side of the lift arms. There is also a "J" bolt that hooks to the top of the lift arm to keep the forward facing arms from dropping. If I knew where that thing was, I would send you a pic of it. It could have been made by Ford, but I am really not sure. He got it with the tractor years ago. With that type of draw bar, you almost don't need stablizer bars. It always worked super nice with ball hitches as we pulled a 2 wheel trailer through the woods hauling fire wood up and down steep hills and ravines. When this hitch is sitting on the ground it almost looks like a chinese character for "man", or looks like a man with the arms straight out from the shoulders(this part hooks to the lift arms in the sockets) and the legs spread out( this part hooks under lift arms and one arm has the "J" bolt) and the ball hitch part is the head.Hope this helps you to visualize how this hitch works.

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Bob Kerr

04-08-2002 19:59:54

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Hi Shep, My dads Ferguson TO 20 has a neat draw bar attachment for 3 pont hitch. It goes on the lift arms like the other ones , but it also has two arms that have turned up ends that keep the lift arms from swinging and hook to the bottom side of the lift arms. There is also a "J" bolt that hooks to the top of the lift arm to keep the forward facing arms from dropping. If I knew where that thing was, I would send you a pic of it. It could have been made by Ford, but I am really not sure. He got it with the tractor years ago. With that type of draw bar, you almost don't need stablizer bars. It always worked super nice with ball hitches as we pulled a 2 wheel trailer through the woods hauling fire wood up and down steep hills and ravines. When this hitch is sitting on the ground it almost looks like a chinese character for "man", or looks like a man with the arms straight out from the shoulders(this part hooks to the lift arms in the sockets) and the legs spread out( this part hooks under lift arms and one arm has the "J" bolt) and the ball hitch part is the head.Hope this helps you to visualize how this hitch works.

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Rod (NH)

04-08-2002 11:42:45

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
third party image

Here's what I use...a custom bracket to attach to the top link. If I used the ball hitch for anything other than incidental straight ahead stuff, I would move it to where the pintle hitch is.


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04-08-2002 09:46:29

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Those 3-point draw bars have their place, but you need more parts. On a Ford there is a lump of iron that goes over one corner to lock the bar in a horizontal flat way so it does not spin. You are putting _way_ too much pressure on a ball hitch by letting the ball spin backwards. Things were not designed to work this way. Obviously they don't/

I have a couple of _real_ swinging drawbars that go on a 3-point, I suspect they were built for an N series but dad modified them to work with a 100 series. They bolt onto the 11 hole, provide a tungue, swind back & forth, and also extend to make hook-ups easier. Want a picture?

Some people sell a reciever hitch for a 3-point, THAT'S the way to handle a ball hitch on a tractor if you don't have a real drawbar.

There is still always a danger in using 3-point hitches if you don't have the bars that keep the 3-point from flipping upwards. Also using that 11 hole bar without a tungue bolted on it is very hard on your machinery when you turn too short.

So, I love the 11 hole hitch, but only when used properly.


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Jeff PA

04-08-2002 09:18:30

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
The others are right that hitch should never come undone. Usually there is a nut up inside the hitch on the trailer. These can be screwed up to make the hitch tighter. I have seen over the years this nut work its way loose and it causes just the situation you are describing. Just torque it up until it is to where you can just hitch the trailer without having to stand on the latch (i.e. by hand). Check it out.

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John in Maryland

04-08-2002 08:35:57

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
I hate them things too. If you tightened down the latch for the ball, that might help to you figure out a way to keep it from moving.

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Dale (MI)

04-08-2002 08:30:01

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
I use one of those on my 550 too. Guess I should put the factory drawbar back on. Or I could bolt
a longer piece of iron to the bottom of the drawbar so it would catch the lift arms and keep if from spinning. I'd be interested in another 550 if that one you planted in the pictures goes to seed.

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04-08-2002 09:37:28

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 Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to Dale (MI), 04-08-2002 08:30:01  
Dale -
You will be the 2nd to know if she sprouts!! I will abandon all other rural activities to ensure the survival of the sprouts!! BIG GRIN here! :)

I too would love to have a second one but live in JD land and not may Ollies in the local area.

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Dale (MI)

04-09-2002 06:56:24

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 Re: Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-08-2002 09:37:28  
Used to be 3 Oliver dealers within several miles of the family farm but they are getting rarer here too. My mechanic says to sell the 550 and get a Massey-Ferguson cause parts are eaiser to find. That 1850 Diesel with the loader in the picture ads sure looks good though.

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04-08-2002 09:37:24

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 Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to Dale (MI), 04-08-2002 08:30:01  
Dale -
You will be the 2nd to know if she sprouts!! I will abandon all other rural activities to ensure the survival of the sprouts!! BIG GRIN here! :)

I too would love to have a second one but live in JD land and not may Ollies in the local area.

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04-08-2002 07:16:52

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Jerry D and PCC-AL both posted workable solutions; HOWEVER, you have other problems; if your hitch will slip off the ball under ANY condition while it's still latched, then it's too dangerous to use until you figure out what's wrong and fix it.

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thurlow; 4 things to check, there may be others

04-08-2002 08:04:54

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 Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to thurlow, 04-08-2002 07:16:52  
Are you sure your hitch and ball are properly mated; i.e. 2-inch hitch and 1 3/4 or 1 7/8 inch ball; something broken (should be obvious); if hitch is adjustable kind, latch may have "slipped"; have never seen ball and hitch worn so badly that they wouldn't stay hitched, but I suppose it's theoretically possible.

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04-08-2002 09:12:27

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 Re: Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to thurlow; 4 things to check, there may be others, 04-08-2002 08:04:54  
Most of the "latch" style couplers are adjustable. With the coupler off the ball look umderneath. trailer side of the coupler behind the rear jaw should be a NUT. By pushing up on the rear jaw you should be able to tighten the nut for proper tightness on the ball. Balls vary some by manufactures. Adjustment is often needed when changing vehicles with supposedly the same size. Latch should have some resistance to latching.

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04-08-2002 08:34:29

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 Re: Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to thurlow; 4 things to check, there may be others, 04-08-2002 08:04:54  
Thurlow I agree there are other problems.

I was told hitch was 2" so I placed a 2" ball on the drawbar. It never really attached as tight as thought it should. Perhaps hitch was larger than 2" i.e. 2 & 1/8? Anyhow, if towing with level drawbar all was ok, but if any moderate pitch or bump to the tongue the drawbar would rotate and the entire assy. would come undone.

I did not take time to notice if lever on top of hitch was opening upon release, just got tired of reconnecting - had no pin to insert in top i.e. lock. Regardless, it was just me hauling the wood, no kids in danger. Also pointed out sloppiness in hitch to the trailer owner. Did not want him to encounter a similar situation at hiway speeds. Thanks for the response.

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04-08-2002 08:51:43

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-08-2002 08:34:29  
Trailer hitches are commonly 1 7/8, 2, or 2 5/16 inch. A 2 inch ball in a 2 5/16 socket will act like what you describe. Try the ball in the socket before bolting to the hitch. With the latch closed there should be very little play, and certainly not enough to pop out of place. As far as the gitch rotating, you should be able to attach a yoke device that straddles the lift arm, allowing the hitch bar to be level whether the arm is raised or lowered.

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04-08-2002 03:37:53

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Hi Shep,
I don't like pulling anything with the drawbar attached in the lift arms, although for years we pulled the fertlizer spreader that way. What I did was to bolt a brace or support to one lift arm and to the drawbar to prevent turning. I put a half twist in the support so that it mates to the side of the lift arm. On my 8N, I have modified the old under axle center hitch and extended it out about 12 inches. The extention has a hole for either a ball or pin. Again, I don't think the lift arms were ever intended to pull heavy trailers, but lots of folks do it. Good luck.

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Jerry D in NC

04-08-2002 03:26:45

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Easy now Shep. These draw bars are the handies thing around. For about $20 they make a thing that goes over the end of the drawbar and it catches the lift arm and keeps the drawbar from pivoting witha trailer ball. It will also allow you to bolt on a peice of flat iron and make a drawbar to advoid that little problem you had with the disc

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Jerry D in NC

04-08-2002 03:21:43

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 Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to ShepFL, 04-07-2002 22:37:24  
Easy now Shep. These draw bars are the handies thing around. For about $20 they make a thing that goes over the end of the drawbar and it catches the lift arm and keeps the drawbar from pivoting witha trailer ball. It will also allow you to bolt on a peice of flat iron and make a drawbar to advoid that little problem you had with the disc

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04-08-2002 12:40:32

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 Re: Re: How many of y'all DISLIKE 11 hole draw bars? IMHO they SUCK! in reply to Jerry D in NC, 04-08-2002 03:21:43  
I made a 3 pt ball receiver that utilizes the top link as well. I use it to move the cattle trailer when it is too muddy to get the truck to the corral and chute. I have never used those 11 hole drawbars, only seen 'em in tractor supply and thought "who in the h311 would use that?" Shep...You are the man and all....but....use the right equipment! If you can restore all those nice tractors you emailed me....you can make something to prevent the bar from rotating if you insist on using that poor type of drawbar.

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