Anything is possible, so you can try. I assume about a 2 bottom plow with the 50 hp tractor, will give it a workout in alfalfa. The plow is your best option for tillage. If you have a good corn planter, you can kill the alfalfa with Roundup mix, then notill corn into it. The negatives for oats: Oats needs to be seeded in the ground REAL soon now. You need to plow, work up the lumps, & catch a rain to mellow the soil. By then the window for oats will be over, & you will not get much yield. Going to be real hard to get the ground leveled & mellowed for oats even with favorable conditions. Oats comes up pretty uneven in spring plowing, you will have light testweight & lower yield, uneven drydown. Too much N from the alfalfa may cause the oats to grow too heavy & flatten. Weed control could be interesting to say the least, as there is generally a lot of grasses in an old alfalfa field & this will outgrow & smother your oats - can't cultivate, and really no chemical options in oats. On the other hand, corn has up to a month before you lose big time on yield so you can get the land in shape, weed control will have more options, & the N from the alfalfa will be put to good use. Of course, just this year conditions will be perfect for this to work with oats, & the corn will turn out lousy.... Luck of the draw on the weather, but _normally_ corn would be a much better choice to follow spring plowed alfalfa. --->Paul