04-15-2002 18:46:22
Re: Case Plow (Questions) in reply to Garson Gural, 04-15-2002 08:20:00
Garson, my plow is a ground drive lift. Its got quite a bit of paint on it, so I believe these colors are accurate. As to colors, here goes: Frame, coulter brackets & hitch-flambeau red; Levers, lift assist springs w/mounting brackets, axles, axle supports, L & R hubs, mollboards, mollboard mounting brackets, ground drive lift assembly & hub cover on left (lift)wheel-green; Wheels, hub covers on right & rear wheels, rear hub-light yellow (not JD yellow); Coulters, red & Coulter vertical shafts & coulter suppport assembly-black. I've also got a 2-16 Case plow from the about 1946 or '47-there's not enough paint left on it to tell, but I think it was the same, as I remember it. (I drug that one through the ground for lotsa miles when I was young & it was newer.) Hope this helps-ifna ya want any more info-post. BTW-the Case plow was the best we had out of three-Case, IH & JD. (My $0.02 worth. jal-SD)