07-05-2002 22:52:04
Re: Re: Re: Help identifying hay rakes......... in reply to Adam Wampler, 07-05-2002 19:32:15
What you have are several ground driven rakes, I would guess from the 1940s to mid 50s, not the teens of the last century. After all, the early rakes from the 1900s were buck rakes, or horse rakes, and left hay in piles. When pull-type balers first appeared, horse rakes were used to dump hay in piles across the field, at right angles to the line of travel of balers, to make a windrow. Thus, side-delivery rakes, like you describe, were an improvement, because farmers could drive up and down the field to make a windrow for the baler to pick up. Horse rakes were pulled by a team of horses, and had a foot engaged device to dump the accumulated hay whever the pile accumulated to a sufficient amount to make a windrow. Subsequent passes across the field, the device was engaged at the same spot to dump the hay, thus making a windrow for the baler to follow, or in the earlier days, for the hayloader to follow. The hayloader was pulled behind the wagon, and lifted the hay up, and delivered it to the rear of the wagon where it was forked forward by hand.