I've worked with 6 tractors, combines, swather, trucks, planters, disks, snow blowers, and so on. There sure are some designs out there that just make a person want to shoot all design engineers on sight! :) So, how can you determine there are nuts on the bottom of the deck, but you can't get a wrench on them? Generally if you can see or touch them, you can wrench them somehow. The gear case is self-contained, the oil seal will be a part of the gearcase, not a part of the deck. I would assume that tightening it down will not solve the leaking problem. Generally the leak will be coming out past the shaft. Popping the stump jumper can be quite a task. I've never done that, but have taken MORE than my share of bearings off of the combines. Tapered style can really, really be on tight, but will fall right off when you get them to move. Regular straight bushings can be a struggle the whole length of the shaft. On the combine I ran into 1 that was a giant screw - this after pulling, pounding, heating very red, pulling some more.... Another was on so tight (giant cast sheave) that I pulled, pounded, heated (was told not too, but had no options left...) and pounded & pulled & heated, until the shaft split/crushed in half on the end. Never did move, had to find a good used replacement from a salvage combine, drove 60 miles and pulled the whole shaft off that combine, slipped it onto mine by taking the other end sproket off..... They can be a challenge. --->Paul