Thanks y'all for the advice. We (my farm-raised wife and I) apparently have some sense. We started out exactly as you suggested before reading these posts. She said to disk in the runoff direction, then finish cross-wise to minimize erosion. We also did a few around the edge, raising the disk to turn. Came out good, but still a lot of weeds that have been cut up and turned up but not under. We've been bush hogging all summer to discourage weeds and irrigating to keep it green to minimize fire danger, then bush hogged just before disking to maximize disk cut. Last night I started in with a springtooth now that the weeds are chopped up some - running in the same runoff direction as first disking. Will finish that tonight and then crosswise, then spike harrow to try to smooth it up a bit. Gotta figure out the draft control on my MF35. I understand the principle, just not the mrechanics of setting it. Will have to pull out the manual and read it again. Suggestions? The biggest problem right now is that the remains of the weeds keep piling up in the throats of the outer two tines of the springtooth. Gotta lift it to clear pretty regularly, but it's coming along. Any suggestions? We hope to finish prep so we can seed before our next irrigation cycle starts in about a week so we can irrigate right after seeding. We irrigate heavily about every twelve days, but I hope to irrigate lighter and more often to prevent erosion until our irrigation shuts down at the end of October. Hopefully it will get well established as the rain starts and through the winter to not get choked out by weeds come spring. Thanks again for your help. Gotta again rave about what a great tractor my MF35 diesel is for this kind of small/hobby farming! :)