Sure, my pleasure. If I can offer a few thoughts about implements for your 8N...something I've learned the hard way. I started out by buying brand new implements (plow, middlebuster, disk etc). Began to add used, older, implements that I saw for most of them very cheap (cultivator, rake, baler...). Some of the older stuff took a little time and effort to get working well, but looking back with 20-20 hindsight I should never have bought the new stuff. New stuff isn't built as well or it is more expensive to buy. It has not held up as well as the older stuff, and the older stuff was designed and built for my older tractor (the 8N) so I have few problems hitching and making things work. Look in "Penny Saver" type classifieds, and keep your eye out for implements on the side of the road. Also, estate auctions and 'going out of business' auctions are great places. I picked up my 2 row Dearborn cultivator for $25 at an estate auction, and it is in perfect shape and complete. Same with my sicklebar mower, one get the idea. just my 2 cents. Good luck with whatever you do. Tom