You would probably be better off following the rules here, & advertising your stuff in the Classifieds. That's where people will be looking for them anyhow, your best bet. When advertizing, people will want to know the exact model of what you have, and where you are located. Transportation is ALWAYS an issue with this stuff. Your random messages here about 'finding' some items every week or 2, with no price, no model numbers, and no location seem, well, odd. I don't quite understand your angle, but you seem to be finding a lot of stuff! I'm not angry or upset, & I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life. Just offering you some suggestions to help you, ok? Spreaders are always in demand, a good picker or pull-type combine can be worth a lot in the right location, cultivators are a dime a dozen, mowers are wanted but horse-drawn sell cheap mostly for decorations unless mint. But, it all depends where you are located. And what shape they are in. And what you want for it. Go tell us in the classified section! :) It's free, and the right way to sell your finds. Thank you, --->Paul