Pat, (Weird talkin' to someone with the same name - makes me think i'm talkin'to myself again!!) I use an IH Super A (one size larger than a cub-still offset)to cultivate tobacco. I like to culivate the rows when young weeds are beginning to grow-kinda keep a one-up on them, and often enough the ground is still reasonably loose. It will vary from year to year how often you will have to cultivate. This year I had to 3 times. You dont need to cultivate very deep-just enough to "clip" the roots approx. an inch or so. Also, make sure the cultivator pulls though the ground level. This doesn't neccessarily mean when just resting on the ground it is level, because due to wear, the front or rear will ease up out of the ground when in use if impropperly adjusted. To adjust for this, there is a "yoke" on each side of the cultivator parallel lift bars-not the ones that hook to the tractor lift, but the ones that hook to the toolbars(where the shanks bolt on). Just remove the cotter or key pin and remove the pin through the yoke. You will have to twist the yoke to gain adjustment(they will probably be frozen if left outside very much). (Most likely yours will alredy be set up and you won't have to adjust it) As for wheel weights, if your tractor will do the job without them, leave them off-this will be easier on your tires. However, I usually have to use at least one set of rear wts. due to hills. If you have any more questions, please e-mail me. Hope this helps, Pat