I've got a 7000 4 row. A notill version probably has most or some of the following: down-pressure springs; opening coulter; trash cleaners; trash closing wheels. Otherwise they are the same as a 7000 planter, these are all add-on attachments. Now, different folks like way different setups & it depends on the soil type you are working with, but basically it will have springs to keep in harder soils, and something to clear away the old debris in front of the regular seed disks, and may have closing or press wheels that also work better in sticky or trashy soils. Most 7000 corn planters have finger pickups, which might need attention if they haven't been calibrated in a while (repaired & adjusted). These accept a pretty wide seed size. It is possible to have seed plates on a 7000, but that is rare 'here'. If it has plates, you need to match seed size to plate size, small, medium, large; round or flat. You would want a bunch of different plate options. You would want seed cups for soybeans, just so you know. Plates, finger meters, or cups are all little attachments that bolt on to the bottom of the seed hoppers. Not cheap, but small items. A good way to check wear is to look how big the seed opener disks are, and see if the closing wheels are solid. (Black wheels in the back, pick them up a bit on the swivel, & see if they rock in & out.) Both of those items cost some to replace, and need attention from time to time. Maybe just assume the finger units need to be worked over if it has those... I'll tell you more (here or email) if you want, but babbled enough for one message. :) --->Paul