Hi Joey, First about the Fort. Only seen one, one of my friends has it and he really dislikes it. Said the only good thing about it was it was cheap. We cut about what you do of grass hay (about 250 fescue) plus another 100 of timothy and 100 of alfalfa. Cut some beans, wheat, and titicale for baleage, too. Have an old 474 NH haybine that we keep just to cut for baleage. Every thing else is cut with straight disc mowers. Condition with a teddar (ted when it first wilts) then again the second day with dew on for alfalfa (and other stuff if needed). My dad (he gets smarter the older I get) got a New Idea in '88 (we were custom cut, rake, rolling 5000 rolls a year then too). He's on his 3rd NI. I had a Deere (disc conditioner, worn out when I got it), then a Bush Hog (GHM 800 great for 4 years, then started having trouble). Last year dad and I cut side by side (first time since '95) him with a 5600 Ford and his 95 8' NI me with a 7710 Ford pulling the GHM 8'. He cut 3 rounds to my 2, with 20 less hp. Cut cleaner, too. Went the next day and got a NI. Cost $5950, brand new.