Terry...for the time being, I need to plan on keeping it and repairing since I haven't found an affordable alternative. The previous owner had new spindles made and also already bought a supply of bearings, and gave me those along with the rake, so my main problem is getting the spoke welded, and also removing and repairing the bars - some of which have their mounting holes badly elongated from wear, and some of which are slightly bent. One of my concerns is that perhaps something is out of alignment - possibly as a result of hitting something hard enough to bend the bars or frame - and caused the spoke to break since at least one other spoke has been welded at some time in the past. But, as I say, for now, I need to keep headed in that direction. Sounds like you have a spare copy of the parts manual - if so, how much would you want for it. I understand from another old archived post that the parts manual and operator's manual are 16 pages each. I'm checking on that previous poster to see if he'll copy and send, but if that doesn't work out, would you be willing to copy and send - or at least parts of it - at my expense for copying and mail? There's a fellow in Utah - goes by Jim. UT on this board, who has both a DEO-25 and a model 36, and has offered some help in response to my previous posts about it. If you search the archives of the Implement board on "Ferguson Side Delivery TRake" you'll see the discussion that took place on 10 Oct 02. You might post again and address it to Jim. UT and see if he has ideas. I'd expect that you could find a substitute, unless you are wanting to restore it with original parts. I'll send you my e-mail address by e-mail so we can stay in touch off-line. Thanks!