Tim, We run discmowere now. Started out in the 80's with a 501 Ford sickle mower, rapidly upgraded to a NH474 (sickle) haybine. Still have my second haybine, keep it to cut soybeans for hay (only thing my disc mower doesn't like). Have had a couple of disc conditioners, JD's both roller and impeller. I like the impeller better. It does less damage to leave (I know this sounds like a contradiction). Sold them and went with a straight disc mower, then run a tedder). Saved big $$, time, and get just as good a drydown as with the conditioners. Got 2 5408 NI machines. Had a Bush Hog GHM 800, didn't hold up to suit me. Advantages of disc mower: speed, cut stuff no sickle I've used can touch, and faster/cheaper repairs. I can replace all my blades for $36 and 30 mins. Even with bolt on sections it takes me about an hour to get out of the field, and replace a section or guard (at $2 each for sections and $10.00 for guards). Broke 3 blades last year, total. Normally break (or lose) a guard a day and a couple of sections. Get about 4 ac/ hr with the disc mower, 3 on the haybine. Cut about 700 acres a year. Change blades (I used to sharpen, for the $$, I just replace now)beginning of season, after first cutting of alfalfa, after fescue, after timothy.