Bill: I looked at this yesterday and must admit I'm not up on mounted plow numbers. If you are saying it is adjustable between 14" and 16" it is probably the heavy one for 300 and 400 tractors. How thick and deep are hitch forks 4" behind the latch point? If you are wanting this for ordering parts don't concern yourself too much about model numbers. Go for the numbers on the frog that moleboard, point, landside and shin if so equiped, bolt to. Your plow could have one of several bottoms on it, and those same bottoms will indeed be used on other plows. Coulters are much the same 3 or 4 different ones and all were used on other plows as well. If I am going ordering plow parts for first time on a used plow get individual part numbers of parts wanted. I went into an after market plow part supply, I have this plow, and couldn't find number for the long landside on back moleboard. He opened his book showed me diagrams with measurments, length, width, thickness, hole sizes, distance between holes. He said,"you bring the old one in we can match it up if it was built in North America or Europe." He had 20 pages or more of this. If you go to CaseIH with those part numbers they can soon tell you model number of plow.