enilboweviel: Back in the seventies I was one of the guys doing the chewing. I was planting corn one evening, a fellow who had worked for me for years was making the rounds to see how every thing was going before he went to milk cows. He stopped where I was and said," I don't think you are going to be too happy when you get to next field, I just stopped there and Angus the new guy was hitting 10 mph with 1066 and 25' cultivator, the cultivator is just bouncing like a pre 1960 Buick with no shocks." He went on to say the cultivator would almost clear to soil when it came up and when it went down the teeth almost pulled out straight behind. I said," what did you do about it, did you make him go back and smooth it out." He said we did but it still isn't smooth." Needless to say Angus's cultivating career was cut short. Luckily he omly got about 5 acres when he was caught up with. That land was plowed for the next 5 years and you could still feel the wave effect. My pickup was a 3/4 ton and to drive over this just felt like you were running over 4" waves that were solid. My next door neighbor bought some land that had some quite poor tillage practices in the past. He plowed it last year, tilled it all up and it looked not bad when he seeded it. By combineing time it had all settled out and was quite rough. He plowed it all again last fall. He likes to use a combination of tillage and no till, but he wants it smooth. He is plowing most of his land about every 3rd or 4th year. Here's betting he will be plowing the new land again this fall. The discusting part in all of this is, it takes so long to take these messes out of a field. Most people don't realize it but you actually do your first round of leveling with the moalboard plow, the disk, the clltivator, the crumbler, etc just improve on that. If some of these guys had to pay the breakage bills on plow, disks and cultivators for tilling about 2,000 acres per year they wouldn't be long slowing down. The interesting part about these guys that go fast doing tillage is they probably spend 3 hours of the day out of the tractor. These guys and their tillage remind me of one night I was approaching city limits on 4 lane with a set of Super B grain trailers, speed limit about 45 mph in that area, I dropped to just under 40mph, as I wanted to get rid of traffic behind me before road narrowed to 2 lane. An old guy with a 10 year old Chevy S-10 started inching his way past me, staying under the speed limit. A car came up rather quickly behind him, bingo on come the siren and police lights, this police cruiser almost ran that poor old guy right off the road. About 1 mile further on here was the police cruiser along with 2 other cruisers at Tim Hortins and the officers going for coffee and donuts. Most all of those high speed guys are like that, go like H$%^ to do nothing.