Rick: So far you have done it all just about right, no point in making any mistakes now. Fence off a pasture area for the horse. You either have or will have to build a stable, add a loft for 200 bales of hay. That horse has to eat all summer also, so you can't take all the pasture away. Don't forget a stall for the 8N. Do your bush hoging thing and generally take care of your property with the 8N. Maybe get into some 3 point gardening equipment. Last but not least the haying equipment, forget it, unless you can see the neighbor that will bale your hay at your place at custom rates. Hay is a crop, you don't pasture it, you don't play ball on it. or generally use it for recreation. So by the time you take your pasture, house, outbuildings for horse and 8N, recreation land, etc., you will probably have 2 acres of hay. Unless that neighbor that will potentially mow , rake and bale this hay is less than a mile away, the cost will be unbearable. Take a pickup somewhere they are making hay and buy a load or two. It costs big bucks to run the highways and byways with haying equipment. It will cost you even bigger bucks to have your own. Believe me I farmed 500 acres a good bit of my life.