What make is your grain dril? Usually they came with the trip lift, and a cylinder bracket was added later by the owner & his welder - generally both sides run by 1 cylinder. Is this how yours is? You need to disable the wheel lift to use the cylinder & the other way around, or you will have busted parts. There are a number of little wheels, cogs, & pegs inside the wheel lift, as well a chain for those that are 'low rubber' models. Any of those parts could be worn or broken or missing. Or the old grease in it is hardened or the parts are rusty & sticking together. You can pull it apart & check it out, it's not rocket science. Probably hard to find parts, but anything not big & cast can be made or rebuilt pretty easily. It would help you to have a manual with an exploded parts diagram, but you need to know the model you have to ask for that..... --->Paul