Do you mean a 2-point with trailing wheel plow? An actual 3-point 5 bottom plow would sure be heavy!!!!! You need to hang a lot of weight off the front to balance it. Plowing depends a lot on your ground conditions, and you didn't tell us where you are or what your ground is like. Dad had a 3-16 trailing plow he used with an Oliver 88. Some years he plowed in 4th gear. Some years it took a second tractor with a car tire chained between to plow alfalfa with it. Most of the time he was in 2nd or 3rd gear. I plow with a 135hp tractor & a 4-18 plow. Most of the time I have extra power, & can be moving right along. Some years, I need to drop 2 gears, & the front end will lift up, tires will want to spin out - that's with a dual on & rocks in the rockbox. So you need to plan for those tough years, as well as looking optimistaclly at the best plowing conditions. Where I am, a gas 3020 would handle a 3 bottom plow. In looser, sandier soils, I hear people can use a 4-16 on a diesel 3020 - seems pretty optimistic to me tho. Not here - we have wet heavy clay ground. Where I live, a few people have tried a 5-bottom on a 4020, but it's a lot better to have a 4-16 on a 4020. Here a 5-bottom plow needs 120hp plus to make it work year in & year out - and some years are difficult at that. So, while it may possibly work in some special light soils, I sure wouldn't try it. --->Paul