: : : : : How much is an 8' AC disc worth? Found a guy with : : : four of them, asking 595 for them, thought it was : : : quite rediculous. Thanks : : : : About a $1.39 If he delivers : Is it snap coupler, 3-pt or wheel carried? If it has new or almost new disks on it, $595 is about right. I don't know why some guys think those prices are way out of line . . . if you buy something for next to nothing, you'll be getting someone else's scrap iron. I priced an 8' 3 pt Ford disk a couple of years ago for $475, disks were about 75%. Got lucky at an auction, and got a JD KBA 10' on wheels, 90% disks, minor repair required, for $300. If it's a drag type, those sell at auction for <$50 each around here. And thats if they are in good usable condition. If it's a 3pt, people are going crazy for the "garden sized" disc. At the last auction, saw an 18' wheel type hydraulic fold with the cylinders sell for $450, and a 6' 3pt ford disc brought $675. Both were in very good condition.