Good Evening Gerry, The test you heard about involves grounding out the generators field winding which by passes the Voltage Regulators failure to do that if its bad, and if it then charges, you have a bad voltage regulator (VR). Assuming all other simple things like an open or shorted wire or open circuit or bad ground connection or loose belt or a plain old bad battery are NOT the problems of non charging, try the below: To troubleshoot whether the VR is bad, first be sure the belt is good and tight and the generator has a good ground to the tractors frame and that the VR has a good ground to the generator. With the tractor running, use a jumper wire and connect the F post out of the generator (smaller of the 2 gen posts) to the generators steel frame ground, and if the ammeter then shows charge, you either have a bad VR or a bad/broken wire connection between the generators F post and the F terminal on the VR. If she still doesnt show charge, leave the F grounded, and then momentarily conenct the BAT and ARM (or GEN) on the VR together to see if it shows charge. If she charges then, you have a bad cutout relay inside the VR. With the F still grounded and the GEN or ARM on the VR connected to the BAT terminal and if the Gen and VR have good grounds and assuming the BAT terminal is connected to the battery via the ammeter and she still dont charge, its probably a bad generator. You can also motor test the gen by removing its belt and all its wiring (protect all the wiring so it doesnt short out) and jump wiring the ungrounded bat terminal (i.e. - on a + ground system) to the generators ARM post (larger of 2) and the generator should turn like a motor. A source of such battery power could be the wire from the VR's BAT terminal, as it leads to the battery via the ammeter. If it runs when you do that, then ground out the generators F post and she should slow down slightly. If not, the gens field may be bad. If the gen turns when you apply battery voltage (from the BAT lead or elsewhere) and slows slightly if you ground out the F post, it should generate power fine. For the generator to charge the battery, there has to be a connection between the BAT terminal on the VR to the battery (usually via the ammeter) and test that by using a test light or DC voltmeter and battery voltage should be present on that post ALL THE TIME. If the gens power doesnt reach the battery, it cant ever charge it, and the path is out the ARM post on the Gen, to the GEN or ARM terminal on the VR, through the VR's cut out relay, out to the BAT terminal on the VR, through the ammeter, then to the battery. If she dont charge despite all that and the tests show the gen is bad and NOT the VR because you by passed BOTH the Field and Cutout Relay per the tests above, and the rest of the wiring is good and the gen and VR are grounded properly, heres a few gen troubleshooting tips: Many problems are the brush hold down spring assemblys are rusted and corroded so the brushes are not held down tight against the commutator. Use a wire brush and WD 40 and air etc to clean and free up the hold down spring assemblys so the brushes are held tightly down. If the brushes are not worn down too low and held down tight and she still wont charge, you may have an open field winding or a bad armature or a commutator problem. Post back if you want to repair the generator and maybe I can provide more tips. I assume you have tried to polarize the generator lately??? Since the ammeter seesm to be working from what you said, the VR's BAT terminal still has to get to the battery to charge it, and thats usually connected to the load (opposite battery side) side of the ammeter. However, if the VR's BAT terminal shows battery voltage, that shouldnt be the problem. If the gen is charging and VR working at wide open throttle (even if ammeter happens to be bad but not open) the battery voltage should rise from 6.3 volts to around 7 and the lights should glow brighter. I hope this helps you troubleshoot whether its a bad gen or VR, so post back any questions. Dont overlook a bad ground or a missing connection per the above. God Bless the USA and please pray for our troops. Ol John T Nordhoff in Indiana