Mornin B Guy, it dont sound like a governor problem just yet, more of a fuel starvation problem or a carb idle circuit restriction problem, or even an ignition problem. If any carb you try needs choke to run and wont get up to RPM's, it may be more of a fuel problem gettign to the carbs than the carbs themselves. If there isnt enough gas flowing down the line to the carb, none of em are gonna perform right. You may have a fuel restriction in the line or sediment bowl (or up inside the tank assuming the gas dont have water in it) so what Ive done is post below my standard generic fuel flow test and I suggest you try it and post back what you find. Be sure the gas is clean and fresh and water free and this assumes your ignition system is up to par and not the problem. Take a look at the plugs to be sure they are not fouled or oily or blackened (if so replace them) and if BOTH are producing a good blue spark across their gaps BEFORE you do all the tests below. You need a good blue spark at each plug at the right time before even a perfect carb will function correct. Also, you may have a vacuum leak which leans out the fuel air mixture. If she wont idle good unless you choke her, but if you can choke her and get her up to RPM she runs better, you may well have a clogged idle circuit/passage, so if it does that, post back and I will guide you on cleanign the idle passages and lead you to a diagram of their location etc. Heres the fuel flow tests: 1) Open the carb bowls lower drain cock and with the gas on at the sediment bowl, gas should run out there continuous (try it at least for 2 or 3 mins) about the size of a lead pencil lead. 2) If not, remove the fuel line from the carb and gas should flow out strong and continuouas there the size of the lines ID. If there is good flow there (but not at bowl drain), the carbs side strainer and/or needle valve n seat may have dirt or a restriction a common problem. You might remove the side strainer top nut and cap and clean that all out (it gets crud accumulated in there which can clog/restrict the needle/seat), but if you dont have a new top gasket, she may leak there. 3) If not, (no good flow out the line) remove the sediment bowl and gas should run out the 2 lil side holes to try n fill the glass bowl strong and continuous. 4) If not, there may be crud up inside the tanks inlet pipe or screen if it has one left. NEXT Have you adjusted the carbs top load and idle needles????? try richening them a tad by turnign them out and see if she runs betetr then????? ??? Initial rough in settign is 1 out for load and 2 out for idle. NEXT Do you suspect any vacuum leaks (air being sucked in leans the fuel/air mixture) like around the carbs throttle shaft bushigns or elsewhere around the manifold base??? A spray of carb cleaner or wd40 or an unlit propane torch when tractor is runnign would maker her speed up if theres a vacuum leak anywhere. NEXT FLOAT SETTING; Do you have an idea as to where the float level is set??? I set them where the fuel is shut off when they are approximately level. If the float turns the fuel off way too low, it could cause the problem. FINALLY, you may as well take a look at the air cleaner bowl to see if its clean and NOT full of water and look and see if the choke butterfly plates are tight on the shaft and NOT flopping around and staying put relative to where the external rod is set. Doe she smoke any black or blue soke out the stack right before or after she starts to die????? ? Sooooo ooo see if the fuel flow to the carb is good and if its okay and the plugs are making a good blue spark, post back. Again, if she just wont idle without choke but you can eventually with choking make her run up to high RPM's, post back cuz you may have clogged idle circuits. Also, if the plugs arent BOTH producing a good blue spark, post back the type of ignition you have and what type of mag, and I will guide you through ignition troubleshooting. John T Nordhoff in Indiana