Herman, that FMJ mag is a strange mag for that H. ~Your compression sounds pretty good for an H though. ~Those H's can be a pain to start at times but with the right settings can start pretty good. ~Don't worry about that economizer plug as it only attenuates the bowl pressure when running at part load [not starting]. ~On the timing with a timing light, not only is it possible but works well. The only problem is, that sets the running timing NOT THE STARTING TIMING. ~You need to start with the carb & work your way right through the ignition system to get that H to start easily. ~I presume your carb is either a DLTX 26 or 46? If not what does it have [if not a 26 or 46 that could be part of the problem. ~On the carb, it should have a spring loaded trap door in the choke plate.. Make sure it’s there & opens towards the inside of the carb. Then try setting the idle needle to about 1-3/4 turns out from seated & the load needle 1 turn out from seated [at least to see if it improves starting]. ~Next try different starting settings,,, try starting with the throttle plate set JUST OFF the idle stop spring [mine starts best there]… Also try different cold choke settings like full choke for 1st flywheel revolution, ¾ choke for 2nd revolution, 1/2 choke for 3rd revolution etc..[don’t be afraid to experiment]. ~Try different ignition timing settings, my H seems to like about ¼” advanced from the L/H impulse mark on initial timing for starting. ~Try different spark plug gaps, I have found a few H’s that like about .035” plug gap for best starting. ~Take an old [known good] spark plug & open the gap to 3/16”, then put in one plug wire at a time & lay on teh bllock, then crank the engine. You need a bluish spark to jump that 3/16” plug gap MULTIPLE times in a row for it to start good. Just jumping a standard plug gap doesn’t mean it has enough spark to reliably start it. ~Try different shut down procedures. Most like the carb completely run out of fuel for shut down [especially for better hot restarts]. ~One thing that that sometimes works is to turn the flywheel backwards 1 full turn before starting [don’t ask]. ~Bottom line is, try different starting settings until you find something that works ON YOUR TRACTOR. ~If you have automotive carbon core plug wires replace them with SOLID METAL CORE plug wires. TVRS suppression wire on a mag equipped tractor is sure to cause hard starting. ~Try thinner oil in the air cleaner bowl [sometimes helps] ~If none of the above helps I would suggest you borrow a Wico C or X mag just to & see if that helps the starting. ~One last thing, for better HOT restarts try opening the hand throttle lever all the way after shut down as that lets the hot fuel vapors out of the manifold, then close it just before restarting.