Mornin Red, Your problem sure sounds like insufficient fuel flow as rav mentioned which when setting, allows sufficient gas to fill the carbs bowl, but once its ran dry, she dies out. I will post a shortened version of my standard fuel flow test I post and e mail, so maybe you can isolate and fix where the problem is. FUEL FLOW TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE 1) If you open the carb bowls lower drain cock/plug, do you get a continuous steady stream of gas about 1/16 inch in diameter for at least a minute or 2 to be sure?? If so, flow in and out and through the sediment bowl and carbs inlet strainer and needle valve and seat are satisfactory. You might want to insure the lil vent in the top of the carb is clean and open to allow air to exit the bowl when gas enters as it should, cuz if its plugged, gas cant flow and fill the bowl properly. 2) If gas dont flow continous out the lower drain cock/plug, take the line off where it enters the carb and insure a steady stream of gas the size of the lines inside diameter. 3) If not, remove the glass sediment bowl and insure the lil top side holes are flowing gas well to fill the glass bowl. 4) If not, there is a restriction (rust or crud) up inside the inlet pipe or mesh screen if it has one. 5) If you have good gas flow to the carbs inlet connection, BUT NOT out the bowls bottom drain cock/plug, theres a restriction in the inlet strainer,,,,, or needle valve and seat,,,,, ,,,, or a float mechanism problem. You can first remove the lil side plug in the inlet strainer and try and drain and blow out any rust or crud and if that dont help, remove the top nut and round cap and blow and clean out the cylindrical inlet strainer using compressed air and carb cleaner etc. and get carb cleaner down into the needle valve/seat area which may clean it out, and see if that causes good flow out the bottom bowl. If not, you might have to remove the bowl and remove and clean the needle valve and seat and check the float level to insure it shuts the gas off at approximately level. If the flow tests all pass, post back what type ignitiion you have and we will look at it. Good Luck n God Bless John T Nordhoff in Indiana