36 A, You’re welcome… ~On that gurgling,, that is somewhat normal if you are getting any pressure back through the intake valves while cranking. ~On your compression test,, You need to run it on a hot engine with both the choke & throttle wide open. ~One thing you might want to do is run a leak down test on it...To do that, take a old spark plug & break the center porcelain out, then weld or braze an air hose fitting to the plug [you might even be able to use your compression testing hose], then install the that special plug in one side at a time, then bring the cylinder being tested to TDC [both valves closed], then put the tractor in high gear & set both brakes & block the wheels, now put about 50-60 psi of air pressure in the cylinder & see where it comes out.. That will tell you a lot about the condition of your engine & if you have good sealing valves or rings. If you hear air hissing out from the intake you have a leaking intake valve, if you hear air hissing out from the exhaust you have a leaking exhaust valve, if you hear air hissing out from the crankcase you have leaking rings. ~On that "no blue spark", E-Mail me & give me the mag make & model you are using & I will help you get a nice blue spark that will jump a 5/16"+ gap...Different mags have different inherent problems. JDClooney@aol.com