From page 88 of JD-H Restoratin Guide, 2nd Edition, we have the following (Should help): "The Power Shaft -- See PC304, page 28 and Figure 412 -- The shaft (43), bevel gear (38), bearings (39 and 42), felt washer (48 or 61) and flipper guard (55) are to be inspected to the criteria contained in this chapter. At minimum, renew the felt washer. Renew any unserviceable parts. Gear (38) will need to be pulled off shaft (43) once cotter key and nut (37) are removed. Other aspects of tear-down and reassembly will become obvious as you get into the tasks at hand. TIP: Removing Inside Snap Rings -- Stabilize the bearing housing. Then use a combination of tools. Two crisp, (near like new) screwdrivers, one very small one and one medium size will work quite well. Put the larger driver blade under one of the angled points of the ring and twist it, prying the point toward the center of the housing. Simultaneously stick the small screwdriver in the small gap that will form between the ring and the housing that will form. Then alternate the two drivers until it literally pops out. This method should not distort the snap ring. You should be able to use it again." ++++