Are your decimal points in the right spot? Normally .002" to .004" ring side clearance would be a like new, factory spec. Right now you're saying 1/2 a thou normal and you have 8/10 thou to 1 thou. Shoot, you're already a thrid of the factory nominal preferred dimension. Unless your lands have a severe rolled over radiused edge, generally more pronounced at the top, what you have would be fine. Even Dave at Otto Engine Works, who makes and sells custom rings for any piston application posts on his site that .005" is fine and after .006" you can expect some degarding of performance, but that many folks are happy at .010". But, remember, on an "A", a relatively low compression, certainly low speed engine, unless you are intending on doing a whole lot of hot, hard, work, you can probably go up a bit on clearance and be safe and happy. Hastings sells spacers in .020" and .030" that I have used, and they install on top of the ring after grinding to set the proper end gap so they don't shingle. Find some who knows how to re-grovve those big pistons, or you'll have a sloppier fit then than you do now. Just 'cause they run a machine shop doesn't mean they know what they're doing. Frank