On the issue of the leaking 3-way fuel valve, this is one that's been with us since day one! Have you ever noticed the red rag laying atop the cylinder block of many old tractors? This allows dripping gasoline to be briefly captured while it evaporates! But seriously, fuel leak issues can be controlled. For openers, go to the JD-H Restoration Site and open the selection over on the left side labeled FUEL SYSTEMS. You didn't say where the fuel is leaking from, the valve itself around the packing nut, or at the fuel line fittings. For leaks at the packing nut, a new D2122R packing (available from Deere) and tightening of the nut usually do the trick. In turn, the switch may be very hard to turn, but this is yet another problem! If the leak stops when you tighten the packing nut but you then aren't able to turn the valve, some polishing is in order -- using the finest compound you can find such as jeweller's rouge. Whatever you do, don't connect a portable drill to the shaft thinking you can polish it quicker -- you run the risk of a burr coming free and scoring the cylinder thus making the valve useless. SMALL SIDE NOTE: There is to be a thin, brass washer between the packing nut and the D2122R packing without which you will have leaks! If the leaks are fuel line fitting related, are the fuel line glands (ends) free of burrs and/or foreign material that could be a cause? If these are irregular, renewal is the only solution - available from Robert's Carb and (I believe) also from Deere. Now -- the biggie: Oil leaking just beneath the belt pulley is most likely a result of gasket breakdown between the AH605R Dust Shield and the reduction gear cover -- at the very lowest spot which is the oil return channel! This is a very common leak, and to get to it, you will need to pull the belt pulley and clutch! For owners having oil show up at the belt pulley who HAVE NOT recently overhauled everything in the region, this can result from (a) a clogged oil return, and/or (b) excessive water condensed into the main case which (in turn) raises the oil level so high that it cannot return! (PatB)