08-16-2007 17:05:40
Now, I havent seen one of these, until last week. Back in the 70's, Dad had a 3020D he farmed with, pulled, it seen double duty, thru the week, worker, on the weekend, got shined up and drove to town for the tractor pull. He had sold the tractor 25 years ago, and now had recently picked up a 3010D Narrow front, fenders, it was rough, found it in a barn in Wabash County in Indiana. So dad with a kid in the candy store grin,, He worked hard and fixed that ol 3010 up to up to a real nice tractor! On thursday, I went home from the shop, he was working on getting the headlights in the fenders working. I got there Friday, and I really did not pay attention at first, walked by it a few times, but finally, had to walk over on the other side of the shop to get something, turned around and caught a glimpse of the right side , or profile if you wanna call it. Spotted that dad was busy!! He had built a bracket, that holds a barbeque tank, solidly to the frame, had a regulator, ran copper line to a hand valve mounted on the fender, the other end comming out of the hand valve was goin into the either injection port on the intake manifold. LP injection. He said they called them torque toppers back in the 70's, somebody sold kits at the local farm stores or something. We put it on the dyno today, ran it up to pto speed on the tach, and opened the LP valve, picked up 10 hp. rpm of the pto did not change, just made that needle jump up once it the regualtor was dialed in. Question, if you know where the either injector is on a 3010 diesil, its right behind the first intake port, and further away from the rear intake port. Is this the best location for the LP injection as a source to get the most out of it? [/b]