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John Deere B Magneto

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09-12-2007 11:34:45

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Hey guys, I have come to enjoy this site and finally got a username so I can post. Can you give a guy a hand?

Ive got a 39 B, handstart. I have been messing with that for this summer, including the carb. I think that is now fixed. After tinkering with the carb, it will now TRY to fire when hand started, but pops on one cylinder and then the flywheel runs backwards for a few turns and stops. When pull started, it starts quickly and runs ok.
My question is about the mag. It throws a decent blue spark outside the engine. The #1 cylinder fires a bit before the 3 oclock mark, i would put it at around like 3:30ish. Is this indeed to much advance, especially since I don't think I have the entire carb tuned perfect yet? I am not a full blown mechanic, but I do know the engine needs advance. Would it be in my best interest to time the mag to 3:00? Also, I just purchased a couple Autolite 3077's, was this a good choice? Heck of a lot cheaper than the Champion W18's I priced, and I hear not too many like them.
Sorry I don't have the Mag model (I can get that this weekend), I know its a Wico, and I think its a XH. Thanks for the help guys.

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09-14-2007 15:56:11

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 11:34:45  
Hey guys, thanks for the help, I have got some more information. I adjusted the timing just now. When I got there, I set the flywheel to 3:00 sharp, loosened the nuts, rotated the mag CCW all the way till she stoped rotating, but the mag never snapped. I then checked the spark, and the #1 cylinder was sparking when the LHI was at approx 4:30, even earlier than the 3:30ish it was at before. So nowhere in the adjustment range am I able to spark near the 3:00. I know this is not correct, so I am wondering if there is something wrong in the mag. Thanks for the help PatB, and thats a nice site you got working there. Just one thing, I can't view the pdf's on the weekend with my internet at homethird party image. Blast my dialup internet! Thanks again!!


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P Browning

09-14-2007 18:37:47

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-14-2007 15:56:11  
Bmud -- Whereas you indicated your home PC connection was dial-up and weren't able to receive PDF, etc., I thought I would send this series along for you to do a nitty-gritty check of the tractor engine timing, step by step. For success, the tractor needs to pass each test before going on.

If you run into a failure, contact me for further directions. If I am in, I will respond. Here is the series called Basic Engine Timing -- assuming you have a "B" John Deere -- (PatB)
----- ----- -----

1. To check valve timing when engine is assembled, first adjust tappets to 0.022 (for series A, B, & G).

2. Verify Flywheel is Installed Correctly on Crankshaft:

Deep keyway of flywheel should be placed over locating screw on shaft; OR - - - if wheel hub carries a rivet, the rivet should be engaged with cutaway spline on shaft.

3. Verify Relationship Between Crankshaft & Cam Shaft:

Turn flywheel in normal direction of rotation until exhaust valve of left cylinder is just beginning to open (tappet gap closes to 0.000), and STOP!

At this time, the flywheel mark L.H. EXHAUST OPEN should be within one inch of 3:00 o'clock!

4. Verify Relationship Between Governor Shaft and Cam Shaft:

Remove left spark plug & remove the magneto.

Hold your finger over the empty sparkplug hole & rotate flywheel in normal direction until you feel compression build up & stop.

Observe that mark L.H IMPULSE is in close proximity to 3:00, and gently move the flywheel until it is dead nuts at 3:00 -- aligns with the mark on gear cover behind the flywheel, and STOP.

[This is defined as the No. 1 cylinder @ TDC position]

With the engine in this position, the magneto drive coupling slots should be horizontal.

5. Reinstall Magneto and remaining ignition parts:

With the engine in position defined in item # 4 above, connect spark plugs to the magneto using spare ignition wires and ordinary baling wire to connect the ground side. When held in the same attitude as when mounted on the tractor, the upper terminal is the No. 1 terminal, and the lower is for No. 2.

Holding the magneto in the same attitude as when mounted on the tractor, rotate the magneto drive cup CCW until you hear a trip. One of the plugs will have fired -- make note of which one. Repeat this process until you are sure of what you are doing, and stop just as the magneto fires at No. 1 plug. DO NOT TURN THE MAGNETO FROM THIS POSITION!

Disconnect bench set up WITHOUT MOVING THE MAGNETO SHAFT, and remount magneto WITH GASKET onto the tractor. The flange alignment shouldn't be much different from the horizontal direction discussed in para 4 above. Do not tighten bolts just yet!

Once mounted, gently grasp the magneto with both hands and rotate it CW as you are standing there looking into the tractor's right side. Take the magneto in this direction as far as it will go.

Back on the other side, rotate the flywheel in its normal direction until the L.H. IMPULSE mark is at the 3:00 o'clock point, in alignment with the marker on the gear cover. Approach this point carefully, not overshooting! If you overshoot and the magneto fires, you must go around again.

Back on the right side of the tractor, begin to slooooo ooowly rotate the magneto in a CCW direction (top of magneto to the rear) until you hear the impulse "click". FREEZE. Tighten the bolts. Timing is complete. ++++

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P Browning

09-14-2007 17:19:54

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-14-2007 15:56:11  
Bmud -- send me an email. I will return some brief guidelines for you. It seems a great time to sort of check the basic timing things that can be checked with as little work as possible, but that will tell us which way to go here.

Timing a Deere is quite simple really. (1) The flywheel must be on the crankshaft "so-so". (2) The crankshaft-to-cam shaft relationship has to be sort of "right-on". (3) And then the governor which drives the magneto must be installed in a "right" relatinship to the cam shaft. and finally, (4) The magneto is "trimmed" to strike when the piston is at TDC. This is all under a heading of Basic Engine Timing. I can lead you through this I think, but when you write back with your home e-mail (I know it's dial-up -- and will keep things simple)-- when you write, include the Model and serial number of that tractor so we can zero in on things at first blow.

You are welcome to give me a call too -- if I am in the office, I will usually pick up. The number is (830) 627-0430. (PatB)

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09-13-2007 08:40:43

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 11:34:45  
alright, thanks for the help guys, I will get at her this weekend. as for the manuals, I'm workin on it....


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P Browning

09-13-2007 09:27:18

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-13-2007 08:40:43  
It is so refreshing to see you come back with a sort of "where I am" report.

If you get confused when trying to set the magneto starting timing correctly, take a peek at page 8 of ELECT SYSTEMS over at the JD-H Site (Below). Look through the drop-downs under Articles 1. There you will find a step-by-step procedure for setting the magneto up. In the early going, however, I would recommend that you DO NOT remove the magneto. Simply loosen the two mounting bolts by about a turn (best done with an old distributor or obstruction wrench - especially for the lower one). Once loosened, you should be able to gently rotate the magneto (top toward front of tractor) to its limit. The mounting holes are slotted. Then pick up in the middle of step # 3, "Rotate the flywheel . . ."

SAFETY FIRST! It is best to remove both plug wires to avoid an inadvertent start when you least expect it!

Feel free to write or call (830) 627-0430 if you get confused or hung up. Have a Great & Successful weekend! (PatB)

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09-12-2007 19:03:09

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 11:34:45  
Ok, thanks guys. A few more questions, as I have never dealt with a magneto or timed a tractor before. Now, the LHI at 3 is TDC. TDC (top dead center), does that mean that the piston is supposed to be at the very end of its stroke? While I had the plugs out checking for spark, I noted when the spark was thrown, and then spun some more. It seems that when spark is thrown, currently at like 3:30ish, the piston still has about an inch of throw before it reaches the end of stroke, putting the LHI much higher up (didnt note the actual spot, but I think it would be like 1 oclockish). Is this the way it is supposed to be for TDC? If not, could a previous owner have put the flywheel back on wrong, but still have it close enough to run (rough, but run nonetheless) Thanks for the help.

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P Browning

09-12-2007 19:56:37

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 19:03:09  
BMud -- did you go read the magneto piece I referred you to? For magneto-based ignition systems, there are two kinds of timing, starting timing and running timing. For your tractor, starting timing is at TDC, mark is at 3:00 o'clock, and that's that! No, from what you have told us so far, I doubt the flywheel is installed wrong.

Your questions are telling me you do not have an operator's manual or any kind of service book for the tractor & you need to get them! Once again, I send you to the JD-H site, and under articles drop downs, look for DEERE PUBS. There you look up your tractor and see the JD publications that are for it -- also the piece tells you how to obtain them.

Now -- back to timing. When the tractor is running, TDC IS NOT the firing point, but rather -- some 25 - 35° BTDC. This is what is called Running Timing, and is a function of the magneto -- which is described in the JD-H restoration site piece entitled ELECT SYSTEMS that I referred you to earlier. I realize you are new to magneto-based systems, but if you are going to help yourself, you must do as John T tells you -- loosen the magneto so it can be rotated forward enough to have the impulse click happen when the LH Impulse mark is at 3:00 o'clock. No one on this board would try a setting like you have and expect it to work. (PatB)

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John T

09-12-2007 19:24:48

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 19:03:09  
TDC is obviously at the top dead end of the stroke n the piston alllll l the way to the cylinder's top PERIOD Well DUH lol.

If thats NOT the case (WHEN THE FLYWHEELS LHI IS AT 3 O CLOCK), then your flywheel could be off a spline or so !!!!! !!!!! ! cuz if its on the correct crankshaft spline, when the LHI mark is lined up with the flat mark at 3 o clock, the left cylinder is at TDC

With the left plug removed perhaps you can use a piece of wire etc to observe the pistons TDC to confirm all this.

NOTE If shes firing at 3:30 thats BEFORE the piston reaches TDC so what you describe is somewhat Id expect, cuz 3:30 is before TDC so the flywheel needs to turn a tad more CCW before it reaches TDC i.e. she fires BEFORE TDC so the flywheel needs turned more before the piston reaches TDC kinda what I understand you to mean correct????? ????? ?

I still think (assuming cranks on correct spline which I think it is) you just gotta time the mag so she snaps at TDC (LHI at 3 o clock) NOT 3:30 BEFORE TDC

If you cant get enough forward CW retarded timing adjustment on the mag so she snaps at TDC (LHI at 3) then you gotta remove it n adjust the rear lag angle setting.


John T

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John T

09-12-2007 15:17:17

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 11:34:45  
B You got the impulse start timing wayyyyy yy tooooo ooo fast which is why she fires BEFORE the piston reaches TDC causing her to kick backwards like that. It needs to SNAP right at TDC or at the most maybe 1 or 2 degrees before and thats when the flywheels left hand Impulse (LHI) just passes that flat mark at 3 o clock. Then the mag automatically advances the spark to the run time advance over 250 RPM as determined by the drive cup and the external rotational timing adjustment.

If you loosen n rotate the mag backward CCW that advances BOTH the start n run time advance while forward CW retards them. You might adjust it there externally to set the start timing so she snaps at TDC ifffff ff its adjustable to such a position and use a timing light to determine when shes firing at once over 250 RPM. However if its not possible to externally rotate time it far enough to do that (snap at LHI at 3 o clock) you need to remove the mag and adjust the rear lag angle setting and then start over. On the rear the drive cup may or may not be labeled with 25 or 35 degrees etc or 6274 which allows for the proper lag angle setting. If its labeled 25 that means (when all new n no slop or wear) the run time advance would be approximately 25 BTDC but still dependandt upon the front external rotational timing adjustment n what wear is present ASSUMING the cam n governor gears etc are alllll ll in tiem as they should be.

Adjust the external rotational timing (CCW advance, CW retard) to get her to snap at LHI at 3 o clock if possible n see what happens. Again, if she cant be rotated far enough to do so, then its time to set the rear lag angle n check the governor gears timing while in there.

John T

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P Browning

09-12-2007 12:23:02

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 Re: John Deere B Magneto in reply to BMud, 09-12-2007 11:34:45  
Your tractor is designed for TDC Starting Timing, and by having the maggie fire early, you WILL get a reverse kick during handstarting. Set it up for TDC fire (3 o'clock sharp) and try again.

To learn a bit more about how your magneto works, check in at the JD-H Restoration Site (below), and upon arrival, one-click on the Articles # 1 drop down to ELECT SYSTEMS. 'Interesting read. (PatB)

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