Howdy Paul in Wisconsin. Blue smoke can be caused by a variety of things including bad injectors, poor compression and valve issues. There is also a chance that your injector timing may be off too. When was the last time the tractor was rebuilt? I am suspecting that if it's been awhile, that you're probably looking at low compression which is why it's hard to start and blowing blue smoke when she does fire/run. Just a few suggestions if you decide to over haul her. First, get a geuine JD Kit. These have the pistons/rings already installed in the sleeves. Secondly, have the head reworked too. A good machine shop can check the valve wear, guides and seats. Lastly while you have the motor apart, bring the injectors to a repair shop and have them clean/test the injectors too. Around my area, many guys don't have the injectors checked/cleaned. Nothing worse than having the entire motor rebuilt only to find that the injectors are having issues too. Then you find yourself taking things off again. Your injector shop may also be willing to look at your pump at the same time and let you know it's condition. Good luck and keep us posted!