09-15-2000 15:14:11
Re: 2010 stuck tranmission HELP in reply to Ben , 09-15-2000 12:37:54
I had a similar problem on a 2510, the shifting patterns are different, but the shifters work the same way. The easy fix is under the dash. If you remove the saddle, you'll see that the shifter is two drums, one inside the other. The left one shifts between :1,2,3,or4; the right one shifts between: Lo, Hi, and Reverse. To prevent both drums from moving at the same time, there is a lock at the bottom of the shift lever, it is a flat piece of steel,wedge shaped at both ends that rock back and forth to engage slots in the drums. When the bushings in the drums get worn, the shift lever can slip past the lock and shift the wrong drum. Mine shifted into PARK while the shift lever was still in the Lo, Hi, Reverse drum. To correct this, remove the lock, re-align the drums, and replace the lock. Also replace the bushings in the drums or this will happen again. Hope this is your fix, if you have to get into the shifting cams in the transmission it gets real hard, real fast. Good luck