Greg H.
12-08-2000 09:57:24
Re: 1952 Model A in reply to Blake Edwards, 12-08-2000 07:02:32
Clooney has a point, but if it were me, and the sheet metal was there and fixable, and if someone thought enough of me to give it to me, than I'd put the effort into it. Will it cost more than it's worth? ofcourse, but you will have saved it from becomming just another tractor carcus in a fence row on your farm. The late A, like the one you have does have a straight 6 speed transmission, as opposed to the high low 3 speed,which does make them more useful as pullers due to their lower first gear, plus does it have a three point, and powertrol? There may not be anything rare about a late model A but I feel they were the best of the letter series of rowcrops, and hope someday to find one for myself. I don't mean to insult you in any way, or horn in on your project, but should you decide you don't have time to work on her, and would consider selling it, post back, and tell us what state your from, and how much you would let her go for. Thanks, and good luck, Greg H.