08-15-2001 04:31:40
Re: 1948 John Deere timing in reply to Harold Mattson, 08-14-2001 21:49:54
Harold, take the both sparkplugs out, then turn flywheel top in the forward (running) direction with your finger over the L/H sparkplug hole until compression can be felt, then keep turning the flywheel until the "L/H IMPULSE" on the flywheel lines up with the case mark (will be on the cover directly behind the flywheel at 3 o'clock),at this time the slots on the governor mag drive flange should be parallel with the ground (run fore & aft), then insert a stiff wire or wire & sparkplug in the top terminal of the mag & if a wire bend it to be about 1/8" from the mag metal case (if using a sparkplug hold it against the mag metal case), then with the mag held in the same position it would be installed in the tractor & the impulse coupling facing you turn the impulse coupling counter clock wise until the impulse snaps & the wire or plug shows a spark (don't turn the coupling any farther past snapping than you have to, it is easy to let it go too far), then turn the coupling slightly clock wise until the coupling drive lugs are parallel to the ground (run fore & aft), then install the mag on the governor & install bolts but do not tighten, then rotate the top of mag all the way forward, then rotate the flywheel 1/2 turn clockwise (backwards to running direction)& then rotate right back to "L/H impulse" lining up with case mark, then slowly rotate the top of he mag to the rear until you hear the impulse snap, then tighten the mag bolts, then rotate the flywheel in the clockwise direction 1/2 turn, then s-l-o-w-l-y rotate the flywheel in the running direction & if you did it correctly the impulse should snap as the L/H IMPULSE lines up with the case mark. Install the L/H spark plug wire in the top mag terminal & the R/H in the in the bottom & it should run, if it backfires or won't start you probably have the mag lined up 180* out of time & will have to re-do it or you can just swap the top & bottom plug wire in the mag. To check the mag timing just pull the L/H sparkplug & lay on the frame or block then turn the flywheel in the running direction until compression can be felt on the L/H cylinder & as the L/H IMPULSE on the flywheel passes the case mark the L/H sparkplug should spark.