..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .OK Tractor Boy, top this pic with your scanner! ..I have both types of cameras, a Pentax 35mm and an Olympus C-3000 (the above pic was taken with a digi-camera), and digital is by far a better choice for posting on the internet & for printing. First of all a digi-camera allows you to preview the pics you've just taken, this is probably one of the best features of the camera itself. You don't want to get back from the once a year tractor show you might attend and find out that some of your pics didn't turn out; there's no opportunity to go back & retake them. Once you get the hang of it it's easy to download your pics from your camera if you have a USB connection to the PC (there are factors here too like what type of operating system are you using; WIN95 you can have problems, WIN98 & 98SE are ok, WinXP works error free for me). Most of them nowadays are USB, but some of the older models still use the slower parallel port connection; DO NOT BUY A CAMERA WITH THIS FEATURE IF YOU CAN AVOID IT! One of the downsides of a digital camera is if you use the LCD viewfinder, which most people do, it does put a drain on your batteries, but if you get a good charger and an extra set of the re-chargable nickel-metal hyride batteries (which you should use instead of the AA throw-away type), you won't have to worry about your batteries running down. I've taken a lot of pics at tractor shows and have never had a problem with this type of battery running down.. just remember to turn your LCD viewer off when you are not taking pics and you shouldn't have a battery problem. Amazon.com has a lot of digi-cameras to choose from and each models features are outlined there.. they also have reviews from people that have bought that paticular model and will usually tell you what they like & don't like about their camera choice, so you might want to check that out option too.