Robert: You'll probably get more detailed responses if you tell a bit more about the situation. Such as: Stuck: How long ? Some stick over one damp winter, others have sat outside for twenty years. Sometime the recommended method to unstick are quite different based on how the sticking circumstances. You might try and search this board for the topic stuck engine. You'll get suggestions ranging from filling the cylinders with Coca-Cola, to brake fluid, to ATF, to diesel fuel. Now my favorite place to start is put as much diesel fuel into the cylinders through the plug holes as she'll hold. Then walk away for several days. I have already taken the tappet assembly off so the valves are close, and hooked my air compressor through spark plug fittings, and applied pressure to this diesel fuel for a week or so. This tends to blow the diesel past the rings, driving out moisture, and lubing things up. Sometimes I would jack up one rear wheel, and with the tractor in gear, try to rock it a bit. The reverse gearing affect can help in applying pressure to the engine parts, without undue stress. I don't recommend pulling it or you'll break something. Some suggect that you take one rod loose so you're only working on one piston at a time. Good luck ! You'll be sure to get lots more suggestions. Frank