I'd have to agree with G-MAN about almost all of what he said. I once converted a pony-start 720D to 12V with an alternator because I needed a 12-volt source for a planter monitor. And I can tell you that when I got done with it, it looked like Deere had put it there!! If there is a NEED to convert a tractor from 6V to 12V, fine, but do it in such a way that the tractor can be converted back to original condition, especially if it's a tractor with some collector value. I couldn't begin to tell you about the number of real "butcher" jobs I've seen with alternator conversions, among other things. Rex, I have seen hundreds if not well over a thousand "collector" tractors sell in my time, and I can guarantee you that tractors with original equipment electrical systems will bring many hundreds more dollars at auction, time and time again. The last point to be made is that 12V is not a substitute for good maintenance. In many cases, it's a Band-Aid, that will cure the symptoms for a while, but the real problem is deeper down that should have been solved in the first place. I don't think what I said, or what G. Taylor said could have offended anyone in any way, but if so on my part, my apologies to anyone it did.