Well, it was 10 years ago, but if I remember correctly, the Cockshutt 60, 70, 80, 90, and 99 stuff was pretty high, each piece bringing around sixty dollars. That, times the number of years that they were built, added up to quite a bit. Real Cockshutt country down there. The JD stuff wasn't as nuts as you might think. Bear in mind, here, that every single piece was like new. Each make was salted away in it's own box right after he looked through it.There were about three boxes full per make---tractors in a box by themselves, and implements in the other one or two. There was also all kinds of very hard to find short line makes represented, too, that the world has long forgotten. Was it customary to have mailed out literature in other places? I have a piece of sales literature on the MM UDLX and Sport Open Model, and also a Massey-Harris 1945 Farmer's Handy Catalog that were mailed out to my Dad. Both of these were in a trunk out in our pumphouse. And, yeah, it would be something to be on the recieving end of that---so long as you're not a collector. If that was my stuff, the only way to get it from me, would be the same way that they got it from him. ;o)