Josh, I see those on Ebay as well, but that $250 seems to be more of a "Buy It Now" price than real world. I think it's wishful thinking on the seller's part. The value of yours would depend on how old it is, I think. That casting and model number were used for three or four different tractors. The 4430 (solid stripe decal, early '70s), the 4440 (some vertical black lines on the decal, late '70s) and the 4450 (more vertical lines, early '80s, two casting variations), with the 4430 being the most valuable. Dick's Farm Toy Price Guide lists (for the New In Box tractors) the 30 at $483, the 50 at $402 and the 50 at $381 or $379 (different castings). I would be surprised if you could get that much for it. I've never been very successful at selling using those book prices. If you want to drop me an e-mail at I can send you a scan of a couple of pages from a collector's guidebook with pictures of the differences in decals on the 30, 40 and 50 series pedal tractors. Stan Huff Melbourne, FL