This message is a reply to an archived post by Brad in WI on September 22, 2007 at 04:37:34. The original subject was "Re: Looking to start collecting".
Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, but it depends on what you are looking for. Modern and/or vintage tractors or a certain era (1960s,1970s,etc)? I would not recommend Allis-Chalmers right now with the prices they have been bringing. Kind of wishing I'd have kept mine but I only had a few. Some guys will probably get mad but I think John Deere is the quickest & cheapest to collect. I had 25 or so (1/16)pieces in 2 years and wasn't looking very hard. Sold those off but now I find myself getting some again! Like I said, you can look for a certain era or collect new & old. Most of mine (being Oliver)represent tractors from 1975 and older. Wording the post the way you did, you obviously know its nearly impossible to collect all the brands. People used to do that years ago but theres is just too much being released. JD and IH for the most part are not very hard to come by. For John Deere being the most popular IH still seems to bring more money. Oliver is kind of the middle of the road in my opinion. Some are expensive but if you're patient some can be bought for the right price, some of them are hard to find. For example it took me 9 years to find one of the 1955 variations for the price I wanted to pay. It will be harder yet finding Minneapolis-Moline, Cockshutt, or Ford toys. Just not many out there. Biggest factor in toy collecting I think is space (I'm running out of it too fast!). Collecting 1/16 takes a fair deal of space. Ford went with 1/12 scale toys for many years. Those take up room real quick. But you could just stick to 1/16, 1/32 or even 1/64. Brand(s) and scale(s) makes for a lot of options here. I better stop talking beofre I type a book! lol.