We bought, more like agreed to take, a Massey 22. I have a ton of questions right now, but I will try to be brief....Both rear tires are locked up. There is a ton of garbage in each housing that bolts to the transmission case. I pulled the 8 or so bolts that hold the housing to the tranny case, but the axle assembly own't budge at all. There are no jacking screws at all (that I can see), and I assume that it is a pilot fit to the tranny housing. The tractor is rusted fairly badly, but the foot boards seem to have protected the housings from too much rust. 1. Am I right in assuming that the brakes are locked up? Either way, I still have to get those housings off to clean them up. How are they to be removed? 2. On the left side (at least), there is a (very) little bit of play when I try to rotate the wheel spindle by hand. Is there some kind of spline in the axle that would account for this play? If the alxe shaft is solid through to the axle, into the transmission, then I may be barking up the wrong tree on the reason why the wheels are locked up. The problem may be in the rear end if the brakes are not frozen (but I think they are - the linkages don't have any movement at all). 3. The tractor has a distributor. Did most of the Massey 22s come with a distributor or governor? 4. Anyone out there have an I&T shop manual they'd be willing to sell??? Thanks in advance - I know nothing about the Massey line. BTW, where is the serial number??? Brent