: : : : Hi Chip - : : : I haven't found any other locations for the tractor serial number. : : : You can get an approximate year from the engine serial number, provided the engine is original. It is located on the top of the block, left side, over the rear of the fuel injection pump. : : : Post it, and we'll try to zero in on the year. : : Hi, : : Thanks for the response. I have found the following # above and behind the fuel pump...37111280 : : Hi Chip, : What you've found behind the fuel pump is the casting number. I did the same thing frist time I looked for it on mine. : Look above that number and to the left, immedately below the head gasket, on the same machined surface that the block coolant hose is connected. You will find the serial number stamped into that machined surface. It may be covered over with paint and grime. : Good Luck, : Zane(WA) : : : : Thanks Again, : : Chip OK one more time!! 1972014 C..... I think this might be the one. Thanks, Chip