: : I've had a to30 for about 5 years, used it regularly and dismantled most of it but I'm not sure what you mean by a high low. My tractor and the manual I have for TO's and TE's say that the starter switch is in the shift stick. It must be in neutral to move the stick to the forward and left to start the engine - makes no difference where the clutch is. Can't imagine what releasing the clutch in neutral has to do with the engine dying. Did someone by pass the stick starter switch or does this have something to do with the "high low"?? Please let me know if the high low means some sort of feature. I'd lke to know more about the Fergy myself. : : : : I have a To 30 with a high low, if that makes any : : : difference, and I can start the engine only with : : : the clutch engaged,while it's in neutral, : : : otherwise the engine will not even turn over. : : : In neutral with the clutch dissengaged the : : : tractor will roll. With the engine running, : : : and the shift lever in neutral the tractor will : : : die when the clutch is engaged. Has any one : : : encountered anything like this before? : : : Thanks : : : Chip : : : : dennis, : since i have wrote of this problem i got : into the gear box and messed around moving gears : and the tractor did start in the nuetral and after : i put it into gear and let the clutch out the tractor did not die : this tractor has had the starter switch bypassed. : the high low i was referring to was a fairly good size : lever that is located on the right side of the tractor : below the steering column opposite the clutch pedal. : thanks for your interest dennis : chip I can't speak with authority on the TO-30 but many tractors (the MF-135 that I do have details on for example) was offered with several transmissions. The basic transmission was a three or four speed transmission with reverse. Then theres the 6 and 8 speed which are the 3 and 4 coupled to a second two speed with neutral transmission. That's the high low lever. In my 135 the low range gets speeds from 1 to 5 mph, high gets speeds from 5 to 20 mph with the same 3 speed main transmission. Then there's multipower. Its the same as IH's Torque Amplifier. Its a hydraulically clutched planetary transmission that splits the gears of the three speed, in my case giving 12 speeds forward 4 reverse. The 135 is interlocked so the starter won't work unless the high/low shifter is in neutral. Some tractors won't start unless that's true and the clutch pedal is pushed. Those are safety interlocks to try to keep the user from starting the tractor while in a vulnerable position against the front of a rear tire, precisely ready to be rolled over if the tractors starts in a forward gear. To confuse further, the JD 4020's synchrorange actually shifts a 4 speed transmission coupled to a two speed plus reverse transmission to get 8 speeds forward and two reverse (some of the faster reverses are not recommended or allowed by the shifting cams in the console... Gerald