: : Hi all, : : Just as an info: There were 2 types of additional transmission for the TE 20, one were a section to put in between transmission and centerhouse, which gave high and low in addition to the 4 normal speeds. : : The second one was a unit placed in the centerhouse on the end of the transmission, to give the same option. : : The first option gave a little longer tractor, the second one didn't show except for the lever. : : I have known the names of those, but can't recall it at the moment. : : This was not a Ferguson option as far as I understand, but "aftermarket stuff". : : : : Bill : Most of the ones that were put on the front of the transmission in the U.S. were made by Sherman and the ones that were installed between the transmission and rear center housing were made by Auburn the company that made trenchers. They both were aftermarket add ons in the U.S., neither were listed in the parts book for the TO/TE series tractors. I'm not sure which part books you're referring to (Sherman or Ferguson). My '54 TO30 has a Sherman Standard Up/Down unit mounted "in" the clutch housing. There is a lever sticking out of the left side of the housing (below steering gearbox) to switch between modes. Total gear range is 12 forward and 4 reverse. There is a metal, circular plate (by Sherman) under the steering wheel nut, which gives directions for use. Fran