I'm with Darren on a MF 35 Deluxe - and like him, it's probably because I have one. I bought it as my first tractor this spring so am not an expert, but sounds like all you want to do is well within its range. It's 38 hp I believe - Perkins diesel. Mine is a 1964, has a rebuilt engine and is partially restored with excellent rubber, and around here (south-central Washington state), even with no implements, was a good buy at $4250, even though that's probably high in some parts of the country. Man, if I'd been able to spend $9000, I could even have afforded the implements that I'm now borrowing from a generous friend. As I looked around, I happened onto a Ford - don't know the model, but guessing it was in the same size/hp range - that was only about 5 years old and had fairly light use, with most of the implements you want (don't recall if it had a loader) and the guy wanted $13,500 for it. That's not saying much with so little information, but with $9000, I'd guess you shouldn't have any trouble finding something that will do all you want to do.