Neighbor has a MH tractor he has just bought. No decals, and the serial number plate, on the right side, has been scraped with a putty knife.Barely visible, and I mean barely, are what appear to be 4401PF although it could be 446IPH or any combination of those, followed by 2776. Does not look like the 6 could be a G. Engine number is readable and is MHA 277G and 3323. On top of the transmission is a fairly readable number 765990M1. This is a wide front tractor with gasoline engine and 38" rear rims. He broke the PTO shaft and we are trying to determine the model to look for a replacement shaft. I tried the serial number lists but you really have to know something about the model portion of the serial number, and the model is what we are after anyway. Any help would be appreciated. I could try to post a picture if necessary. Thanks, Andy