Chiefhowie, I can't find any evidence of a Massey tractor with the model number of 102. They did make a 101 Sr. and a 101 Jr. I also don't know what "Hdy oil" is. If it is crankcase oil, I can offer some suggestions for troubleshooting. If there is cream colored oil in the crankcase, water or an anti-freeze solution has been introduced into the crankcase. If this happens, the radiator level will go down and the engine will over heat. If it is ran in this state for any amount of time, the creamy oil, which is abrasive, will damage the bearings and the cylinder walls. The lack of water in the radiator will cause over heating and could cause total meltdown. If this is the situation, you have to find out the sorce of the water. Sources are: 1) Freeze plugs - some tractors have these in the head under the valve cover. If they rust out, water comes out of the cooling circuit and goes to the oil pan. 2) Blown head gasket - occasionally a head gasket could fail causing this situation but it is rare. 3) Cracked head - can only be determined by disassembly and testing called pressure testing. 4) Cracked block - requires disassembly and testing called magniflux. 5) If the engine has wet sleeves, o-rings at the bottom of the sleeves can fail and allow leakage from the cooling circuit into the pan. The problem you have is not going to be fixed by a tune up. I consider a tune-up a minor repair. You are facing a major repair. The one strong possibility based on your short note is that the you mention "miss fires". Of the five items that I've listed, the only ones that would cause miss firing is the cracked head or the blown head gasket. These are still significant repairs but they do not require removing the engine and the expense is smaller.