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Fred Martin

07-11-2005 15:09:18

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I went to a local (Hillsboro, Ohio) parts place and requested a sand box resistor and told them that it had to be from a Chrysler vehicle before 1972 when they put points in them. The fellow came back with a nice looking resistor that had bolt on terminals on it...and we commenced to check the resistance of it with their old analog multimeter. It checked two ohms plus and then one of them mentioned that it was from a Japanese car...didn"t know if it would work on a Massey Ferguson or not and they all got quite a laugh from it...but, in the end they said that I should use this other one and save myself five dollars and change. It had push on terminals. The last time I checked sand box resistors were a buck or two at the shack. Oh well, also stopped and got a new set of points, condensor and button and cap. The points wouldn"t fit (the old ones didn"t look too bad, so they went back in after I dusted them off. The old girl cranked right up and I got to mow this afternoon. Appreciate the help from the two fellows that pitched in their knowledge and got me back in line. May the tractor gods smile upon them. Thanks again, Fred OH

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Carmel Delegation Hostelr

08-09-2005 11:36:07

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 Celebrity Galaxy Cruises in reply to Fred Martin, 07-11-2005 15:09:18  
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08-09-2005 03:28:56

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 Banks In North Carolina. Click here now! Banks In in reply to Fred Martin, 07-11-2005 15:09:18  
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07-13-2005 07:11:08

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 Re: Z 134 electrical problem continued in reply to Fred Martin, 07-11-2005 15:09:18  
Glad you were successful. Makes it worthwhile trying to help.


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